What's Lucifer?

Way back in the day I got bored and wrote a little burn-in program for Linux and DOS. I posted it on the net as my first publicly released program. That was in June 1999. People are still emailing me about the stupid thing! Anyway if you want to use it great, but it's unsupported and aparently buggy judging by all the email I get. Then again it is a burn-in program to be run on unreliable hardware so I wonder if some of the "bugs" are actualy hardware problems.

Anyway if you really want it download it here or if you have a dos machine here.

As for other burn-in programs you might want to try cpuburn or memtest86. I've personally used memtest86, it's great software for memory testing. Try it out!


You're just using IPv4 :(
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© 2002 Peter Todd